Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Technology Use

So my principal let me buy a palm pilot with the technology from PE Software. The software would allow me to keep track of fitness testing for my 7th graders. I had such a hard time getting the software onto my mac at school. I had to have admin come in and get it all set up for me. I had get all the software to work in conjunction with one-another, I had such a hard time with this. I wasn't able to use it during the spring because I couldn't get it to all work together. In the meantime the district received funds from the state for PE, I was supposed to be the pilot program. But, I wasn't able to pilot anything. I was wondering, does anyone use the software from PE Software with a Palm pilot to keep track of fitness scores and daily grades? If so, I would love to know if it is really worth the learning curve? Thanks :-)

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