Monday, June 2, 2008

Library Thing

I liked Library Thing in that there are reviews from others that have read the book. I don't know if I would use this since I am already involved in a book club, so I don't know if I would socialize with people from Library Thing. However I do think that it would come in handy to look up books to recommend to book club especially with the use of the tags. I do like how the site recommends other books to read as well as other members are recommending books too. I also like that I can go into other people's sites and see what they have read or are reading. Overall I like the site. Here is the link to my catalog:

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mission Statement & Living History Interview

So I have finally begun the long process of this big project. So far so good, I am half way done :-) Finished PE, half way done with the athletic program and just have to do the coaching statement!!

I interviewed my subject, Jeff, yesterday and it was such a great experience. I really got to know him on a level that I have never know a colleague. So happy to have been able to do this project with Jeff.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I went online to look at the audiobooks. Overall I liked itunes. I think that I would use an audiobook for long trips. Most of my daily driving is short trips with the longest at about 20 minutes. By the time I would get into the story or text if would be time to get out of the car. If I were to go to LA or Tahoe, I might get an audiobook. I am in a book club and a lot of the members "read" on their trip to their destination. Read the book while on vacation and if not done, will finish "reading" the book on the way home. They seem to really like that convenience. I really think that with all the technology if we can find a few sites that offer a lot that is best route. I am very much for the one stop shop. I dislike having to go to many different sites to get info.


So I went through several different sites to find a podcast, I found that it was easier for me to just use itunes. I did find a podcast to subscribe to using the google reader rather than bloglines.

Michael Phelps via YouTube

As a past swimmer and a swim coach I believe that Michael Phelps is an awesome role model! I hope that one of my swimmers one day will become an Olympian. I did have a hard time emdedding the code. I eventually had to copy and paste into a word document and then copy and paste that into the blog. I am glad that I struggled through to get this post up!


So I went to the site and created an account. I think the website has changed a bit like Scott had mentioned, because it didn't look like the video. I am sure after a lot more time spent on the site would allow for a lot more familiarity. However after spending a few hours at the site I found it to only be ok. I searched Kinesiology for videos, photos, tags, posts and I was surprised that there wasn't more in the "blogoshpere." I don't know how often I would use this site. The one aspect from the video that I liked what that it would let me know when the blogs that I had put into my fav's were updated. There is one particular blog about cooking that I stumbled on when the blogger was participating in a contest to blog everyday. I really enjoyed checking in out everyday but since that month ended, the blogs are posted so infrequently. I get disappointed when something new hasn't been posted in a few weeks. I just don't think that I spend enough time online to utilize all these sites that we have been using.

Is delicious?

I just ventured to and thought that it was just ok. I don't spend as much time on the computer during the day at school to really use this tool. I would use it mostly to bookmark if I had to use it. Otherwise I would just keep the bookmarks tool that the computer already has. I can see the plus side of posting in onto so that I can go to a site that I have already been to at school and view it from home. However I really do only school stuff at school so when I get home I don't want to do anything school related so that I can do my own stuff.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


After looking at Google Doc's I really looked at the Google site. It allows a subscriber to e-mail, blog, reader (a rss site), keep track of calendar, picture hosting, and much much more. I have my e-mail and blog through Google. I would be willing to have it all with Google so that I only have one site to access. Something to think about!

Google Docs

The one thing that I really liked about this what that I could save a document in many different ways. I really liked being able to save it as a pdf file and then share it. That way I know that my work is protected from others making changes to it. I usually wouldn't mind but with my summer job as the camp director, I am often e-mailing gift certificates for auctions or the registration brochure. So that one function would be great. I also know that Google has the calendar, and I think if used properly that would be a great tool to use as well.

Overall I really like this tool. I know that it would take me a while to really sink my teeth into it, but I think it would all be worth the time in the long run.

All new technology takes time to learn. I eventually adapt.


I think that this is a great idea. I just hope what I think it can do and what it actually does will mesh. If I can go to one site and keep up to date of all the happenings, that will be great. I created a log-in so I will see how I like it.

Using new technologies in teaching

I could see using twitter if my colleagues checked their emails often enough. I could also see using twitter in communicating with my fellow coach or my AD. I think that using a blog would be a very useful tool to use in coaching. I send weekly e-mails about the previous swim meet or water polo game as well as what is coming up. This would save me the e-mail and it allows me to add pictures. I could also add twitter to the blog to add reminders for the team.

I don't know if I would use facebook in working with students. I would love to see how to effectively use facebook in the education arena. I don't know if I would use it for coaching either.

Web 2.0 Awards

So I just looked at the web awards and I found one website that I have actually heard of before. It was It is a site that allows me to check out restaurants and shopping for new cities that I am going to visit. What I like about the yelp website is that there are comments from people who actually live in that town to respond about the restaurant and other things. I can also look at yelp for local things to do. I have just looked up some new restaurants in San Francisco to try out. I liked the website!

Monday, May 19, 2008


So the first test is tomorrow!! Scary...I wish there was a study guide to go from since we are being tested on six chapters of the text...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Social Networking Sites

MySpace. What a crazy concept. I originally created a plain MySpace page so that I could see what it was all about. I had heard all of my students talking about it. Our school and other schools in neighboring cities have had issues with MySpace usage at school, so it has been blocked. We have had incidents of cyper-bullying that have been brought onto the school campus. I can't see using MySpace as part of my curriculum. I feel that MySpace is geared toward the younger age group, certainly not me. I have seen nothing good come from MySpace as of yet.

I guess I can see that one day, when there is proper on-line supervision, that MySpace can be a useful tool.

I have created a facebook page. I feel that it is different and geared toward the college plus age group. It has allowed me to reconnect with schoolmates from Kindergarten through college. That has been a huge plus in "networking." I use that term loosely as I am generally not networking for professional reasons. I don't go to the page regularly as I don't have the time to access that during the day and teach too.

Using MERLOT in the Classroom

What caught me first was MERLOT! I was thinking wow how does wine get incorporated into PE? Was I wrong. What grabbed me at first was the idea that I could play in class what the sound of a beating heart sounds like. That would be amazing for students to hear.
I especially liked the ability to access the "Assessing Blood Pressure," as in teaching PE we discuss blood pressure. Also I could guide students/athletes to the site for the athletic training aspect. But after that I was lost and virtually uninterested in what MERLOT had to offer.

Web, Library and Teen Services 2.0

I had never heard of the term 2.0 before in the context of the next generation of the internet. Now that I know what it mean I have to say that I always liked to look at the user reviews, especially on amazon. However I have to say the idea of "gaming" caught me by surprise. But if that can bring teens together in a safe environment, then that is great. I think that gaming would work best at the city library and not at the school site. This would also give teens that can't afford the new game, a chance to try it out. In the small city, Foster City, that I teach in there is a strong teen center, The Vibe, it is city run. I would say that about a quater of my school's students go to the library after school daily for a variety of reason. I have stopped in there on occassion, they are studying,surfing the net, in a music room (don't know if they play instruments or listen), or being/getting tutored. The school librarian is very much into what the stundets need and want, he is alwys changing with them. That has made our school library/medica center a great place for the students to meet.


How do I add my twitter posts to my blog?? Anyone know?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


So now that I am in my second week of school. Things are starting to really sink in. I have realized that I really need to set time aside to do school work. Right now I am really busy with school, getting ready for CCS Swim Meet on Friday & Saturday, getting ready for summer camp (I am the director). So I need to set aside time and buckle down!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Technology Use

So my principal let me buy a palm pilot with the technology from PE Software. The software would allow me to keep track of fitness testing for my 7th graders. I had such a hard time getting the software onto my mac at school. I had to have admin come in and get it all set up for me. I had get all the software to work in conjunction with one-another, I had such a hard time with this. I wasn't able to use it during the spring because I couldn't get it to all work together. In the meantime the district received funds from the state for PE, I was supposed to be the pilot program. But, I wasn't able to pilot anything. I was wondering, does anyone use the software from PE Software with a Palm pilot to keep track of fitness scores and daily grades? If so, I would love to know if it is really worth the learning curve? Thanks :-)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

New to Blogging

So here I am just starting to blog for school. After 10 years of not going to school...I am back. I just began a masters program in Kinesiology...Scary...I know...